Asian Skin

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Laser Hair Removal for Asian Skin

Does Laser Hair Removal work on Asian skin?


Laser hair removal can work very well on Asian skin. At Mayfair Aesthetics we use the popular Soprano Ice Platinum and Titanium laser hair removal systems. These are the market leading systems for treating darker skin types and can even be used if you are more tanned than usual.

Which laser hair removal treatment is best for Asian skin?


The Soprano Ice Platinum and Soprano Titanium systems are the best lasers for Asian skin. These lasers are diode lasers. What that means is rather than using single high intensity ‘shots’ of laser energy, which can be very painful and more likely to lead to complications, Soprano lasers flash on and off 10 times a second at a lower energy, which is safer and far less painful.

Soprano lasers work by targeting the melanin (pigmentation) within each hair follicle while ignoring the melanin in the skin. The laser energy causes the hair follicle to gradually heat up to the level that the structures that create hair (bulb, bilge and vascular supply) are damaged. Over the course of treatments hair follicles are damaged to the extent that they no longer produce hair.

Is laser hair removal for Asian skin safe?


Laser hair removal with Soprano Ice Platinum or Titanium is safe to treat Asian skin and darker skin types. We patch test prior to starting your course of treatments and we also pre-screen everyone prior to each visit to check for any medical conditions or medications that may present an additional risk during treatment. It is far better to avoid problems rather than deal with problems later. If we judge that a laser treatment could potentially be of higher risk, we simply will not go ahead. Our primary concern is always going to be your safety. Because Soprano lasers operate with a gradually increasing level of heat, long before it gets hot enough to hurt your skin, you will be able to inform the laser specialist to pause. Protective goggles are worn by both the patient and laser specialist throughout treatment.

How long does Laser Hair Removal for Asian skin take?

Laser hair removal for Asian skin can take as little as 2 minutes or as much as 4 hours depending on the number of areas being treated, your body size and your skin tone. There are a range of different settings that can be used during treatment which our expert team will carefully select to ensure your treatment is safe, comfortable and effective.

Are there any risks for Laser Hair Removal on Asian Skin

The risks of laser hair removal for Asian skin are very rare when the treatment is carried out to the correct protocols by one of our expert laser specialists. Because we patch test prior to treatment and carefully assess you during treatment, side effects such as burns and blistering are vanishingly rare. It is important to use a good quality high factor sunscreen to help avoid pigmentation issues and to avoid the Sun for a week before and after treatment. We will go through a detailed consultation process at the beginning of your course and give you a detailed before and aftercare guide to take home. Our team are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Will Laser Hair Removal for Asian Skin be painful?

Laser hair removal for Asian skin is far less painful when using Soprano Ice Platinum or Soprano Titanium than with traditional ‘shots’ based laser systems. Because Soprano lasers gradually build up the necessary heat in the hair follicles rather than using instant shots, your body has time to acclimatise to the increase in heat.

Imagine you stepped straight into a hot bath. Ow. Now Imagine you stepped into a luke-warm bath and turned on the hot tap, gradually increasing the temperature. No ow. We are aiming to reach 45-50 celsius within your hair follicle to affect laser hair reduction/removal. This is half the temperature of boiling waiter and for most is perfectly comfortable. Some areas such as the hands, face and bikini areas can be more sensitive but still far less painful than with traditional ‘shots’ based lasers.

Over 60% of the clients visiting Mayfair Aesthetics are Asian and Arabic. We are experts at treating those from the Asian and Arabic communities and we have several laser specialists of Asian and Arabic descent who have undergone laser hair removal.

How much does Laser Hair Removal for Asian Skin cost?

Laser hair removal for Asian skin doesn’t have to break the bank. Our competitive prices, great service and the reduction in costs from constantly waxing and shaving that can be achieved from laser hair removal make our treatments an investment in your body and skin. We offer the option of paying in interest free installments without the need of a credit agreement, Click here for our laser hair removal price list.

Caring for Asian Skin After Laser Hair Removal

After a laser hair removal appointment there are a few things to consider:

  • The application of aloe vera gel is recommended and works even more effectively when stored in the fridge.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 1 week to reduce the chance of hyper pigmentation or darker pigmentation. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or greater at all times throughout the course of treatment on any areas exposed to daylight. We stock an Aloe Vera Factor 50 sunscreen which is ideal for use during laser treatment.
  • Apart from shaving, do not use any hair removal treatment methods (waxing, electrolysis, plucking, threading, epilator, hair removal cream, bleaching or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle at the treatment area throughout your laser course. Shave at least twice between treatments. (wait a minimum of 48 hours before first shave).
  • Hair regrowth occurs at different rates on different areas of the body. Anywhere from 10-28 days after the treatment, shedding of the surface hair may occur. This is a good time to shave all areas treated.
  • Avoid sun exposure, saunas, steam rooms, vigorous exercise, hot baths or showers and treat the skin gently, as if you had sunburn, for the first 48 hours after treatment.

To find out more or book a free consultation and patch test, please email or call 020 7834 6896.  You can book a patch test using our online booking system by clicking here.

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